Planning ahead: questions to ask to keep your vision clear

think & grow

For the last two months my inbox has been filled with all sorts of advice. Tips, webinars, strategies and frameworks for a successful new year. It’s always around the end and start of the year that the focus and motivation turns to planning ahead.

There are lots of positive’s about having all your thoughts and ideas, strategies and dreams mapped out. It can help you review where you’ve been and where you’re going, and what you might like to do to get further along.

However, I can also see the challenges for people who are not planners or great on following through, not to mention those who know they want their lives to be part of something bigger.

A vision is something bigger

Most of us start with our personal focus.  But having a vision is more than just what you want, it's about what God has purposed for you and how you can be active in that. It's about the people you want to serve and the impact you desire to make. 

When your plans are completely focused on you and what you want, how do you sustain momentum and experience growth? What compels you to reach beyond what you think you can achieve into the big dreams of possibility?

Make your plans with a flexible framework

Start with articulating the vision that has stirred in your heart. Your God-given purpose comes into effect as you dream because He has uniquely designed you to think a certain way, and as you lean on the Holy Spirit, those ideas will emerge.

What difference can you make for others? What is the BIG idea you can think about, move toward and believe for? Do you need to partner with others? Should you help serve someone else's work because you are working toward the same vision? What work do you feel most led to engage in?

Then bring it into the framework of your dream or your business.

• Who are you serving?
• What is their problem or need?
• Does what you offer help them get a solution?
• Have you thought through the sales process that leads to your offer?
• What are you doing to market your offer so people are aware of it?

Notice how this is not about YOU. Sure you are using your skills, ability, product or service but it is all about meeting the need in someone else.

This is why I love to work with people to help them through this process. Having a vision helps you keep anchored and having ordered steps helps you focus. It helps keep you God centered and not distracted.

Ask yourself, what difference do I want to make and what am I going to do to create a legacy that I am proud of?

Write all your thoughts, your ideas and plans down but remember, the flexible framework allows you to shift when you need to. That’s the key to allowing the vision to become your reality. 

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