How do I stop comparing myself to other people?

think & grow
You do yourself, and God, a huge disservice by comparing yourself to other people. Their story is their own. Experiences are never the same. Your DNA is unique. Your innermost thoughts only God can know.
Love yourself as God loves you.
  • He knew you from the foundation of the world.
  • You  are beautifully and fearfully made. Your parts are known by him.
  • He has called you into his family and called you ‘beloved’.
  • You are not less - ever.
  • You are not a failure - you are in the process of life.
  • You are not small - God has big plans for you.
And what else is the critical factor?
His son, in his death for your sin and severance from the Godhead, has taken care of that irreparable separation from God. When you can believe Jesus died for the transgressions (sin) of the world and rose from the dead, there is nothing else you can do to earn that salvation - nothing! No ‘good’ will save. No ‘nice person’ is enough. Only the one that comes through Christ is cleaned and born again. The church can’t save you, Christian’s can’t absolve you - only God.
You are on his mind, his eye is on you and he wants you to succeed!
You are wonderful and oh so loved!!!
Allow the Holy Spirit to come upon you and show that love like never before.
You are worth the effort to grow and develop ❤️

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