5 common reasons people have trouble identifying their dream
Today is a good day to re-engage with your goals and the ideas you have for your life. And not just revisit them… but to also, get excited about their possibility!
I’m referring to the book ‘Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions to Help You See It and Seize It as a place to start the conversation.
My goal is to provoke you to identify your dream and go after it. I want to do that by defining what a dream is and showing you how different groups of people choose to handle them. I’m also going to show you why sometimes it’s hard to get a clear picture of your dream. We’ve all been there right? But we should also focus on the powerful benefits of making a decision and taking action.
Let me start by offering you two definitions of a dream:
A dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energies your mind, will and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it.
A dream is the seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being, which calls him to pursue a unique path to the realisation of his purpose.
Both are powerful, but the second definition is my personal favourite! I love it because it’s so big, so grand that it immediately takes you out of thinking ordinary.
4 Different Styles of Dreamers
There are different categories of people aren’t there?
1. There are the ones that don’t dream at all. They have no expectations of life. They just leave school, get a job, do what they’ve always done and live till they die.
2. There are the ones that start to dream but never get to make it happen. My cousin was one of those people. She was killed by her ice-addict boyfriend who ‘accidentally’ shot her in the head. She was only 22 years old and was changing her life with plans for schooling and getting expert help. What could have been will never be.
3. Then there are the ones that have a dream but have no idea how to make it happen. So they stay stuck in planning mode, thinking thinking thinking, enviously looking at others. Wondering what to do.
4. Then finally, there are the people who have a dream, decide they are going to do everything they can to achieve it. This is the difference between the dreamers and the people who actually achieve a dream. The ones who step up to explore their potential and possibilities.
So which one are you?
I know that for me, I’ve been in both the 3 and 4 category. My dream has emerged over time. It’s changed from what it was 25 years ago, even from 10 years ago. Sometimes the problem was that I had trouble identifying what my dream actually was. I started things that failed. I succeeded in things I ran out of interest in. It was all part of my journey of living full out.
The 5 most common reasons why people have trouble identifying their dream
- Discouraged from dreaming by others.
- Hindered by past disappointments and hurts.
- Get in the habit of settling for average.
- Lack the confidence needed to pursue their dream.
- Lack the imagination to dream.
If any of these 5 things have been roadblocks for you then it’s time to recognise them for what they are. There is no shame in experiencing them but now the responsibility is yours to find a way to move on.
Think of the joy you’ll experience when you start to do what you’d love to do or dare to go to the next level. It will give you focus and direction and shake up your comfort zone.
There are no shortcuts to success in life, despite what others may say. There may be changes that you have to work through to live your dream, but this is where growth and increase are.
You will develop perseverance by keeping your eyes on your ideas and taking consistent action. Developing a real knowing of yourself that is unshakeable. It will transform you.
And best of all, you’ll start to meet more like-minded people. Others who can support, encourage and inspire you. For me, that has been one of the most exciting things I’ve experienced.
So, what is your dream? Is it big, bigger than you think you can handle? GOOD! Don’t let anything block you and do the next thing that will take you forward.
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